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Face ID is undoubtedly a smart invention and has found favor with many users. However, there have already been several incidents where Face ID was broken and strangers got into the phone. This is not the case in the latest case, where a man got into his wife's iPhone X without any problems. Because Face ID remembered his face.

The situation appears to be very serious, because according to Apple, it is possible to set only one face for user authorization in one iPhone X. Of course, the face of the owner, i.e. the wife, was set in the phone. However, the phone also opened thanks to the face of the husband, who sometimes also used the phone. He claims that by using the phone, the technology itself remembered him. The married couple documented the whole problem in a video, which you can find in the source link.

According to Apple, such a coincidence happens in one in a million cases. The husband then contacted Apple directly, but was told by a representative that this could not happen and that he had to open the phone only with his wife's face. According to Apple, a similar battle could only happen in the case of twins, which is of course meaningless in this case.

The couple always told each other their codes to unlock the device, and once it was borrowed, Mr. Bland was forced to enter it. As he entered it countless times, Face ID apparently mistakenly identified him as his mistress and subsequently made face unlock available to him. However, Apple did not comment further on the issue. The first version of Face ID seems to bring more problems than good, so we'll have to hope that Apple succeeds in these first "childhood diseases" (hence LG) to be tuned to perfection in the next generation of iPhones.

Source: Daily Mail