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Commercial message: Are you thinking about buying Magic peripherals from Apple? Then now is the perfect opportunity to do so. Mobile Emergency has a whole range of Magic peripherals at big discounts, thanks to which you can easily save hundreds of crowns. And that there is something to stand for.

Magic keyboard

Magic Peripheral discounts on MP are truly generous. For example, the white Magic Trackpad can now be purchased for just 2690 CZK – i.e. 21% cheaper than the standard version. In addition, MP was not afraid to make the recently introduced Magic Keyboard with black keys cheaper - thanks to a 17% discount, it is available for CZK 4890, while the white version costs CZK 4590. And Magic Mouse? Prepare yourself a beautiful 1890 CZK. However, the Magic Keyboard for iPads also got a discount, for example, which can be bought 10% cheaper - specifically for CZK 8990. In short and well, there is something to stand for.

Complete discounts on Magic peripherals can be found here
