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SoundHound (formerly Midomi) is a great tool that will stop you liking a song that's playing somewhere, but you just don't know what it is, who it's from, or where to get it. All you have to do is have an iPhone with the SoundHound app installed and you're literally at ease.

It works simply. You launch SoundHound, tap the big button Tap Here and you win. Most of the time, it's enough to record just a five-second section of a song, and SoundHound will return the artist, song title, album, lyrics (if the lyrics are not in the database, you can easily search for them on Google with a single tap directly in the application). Song recognition happens in seconds even on GPRS, which is great. Of course, you can do other things with the search result – to star share it via email, Twitter, or Facebook, purchase it from the iTunes Store, play a short preview (when available), or search for a video clip on Of course, not all songs in the database necessarily have to be, so it may happen that SoundHound doesn't find anything for you. There are really few Czech songs in the database, so the application will serve you more for recognizing foreign songs. I can confirm from my own experience that it really works and several times it recognized even seriously unknown songs that I had been searching for for maybe years.

But that's not all. For example, if you just remember a melody, you can hum it or maybe sing a part of the words. Although these methods work less reliably than directly recording a section of a song, I usually found what I was looking for from my own singing. You can also search by artist or song title, if you only know how to pronounce it and the like. It's not even a problem to write it as text - the button is used to search by artist / title Title or Artist under the main orange button. Another perfect feature that I appreciate a lot is the ability to play any song from your iPod right in the app and SoundHound will throw you the lyrics of the song being played and you can click on it for more information. There's also search history or global charts of hot songs and the like.

SoundHound is fast, easy to use and has a great graphic design - I recommend it.

[xrr rating=4.5/5 label=”Antabelus rating:”]

Appstore link – (Midomi SoundHound, €5,49)
