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In recent years, so-called game streaming platforms, which allow users to play even the most demanding games on weaker computers, have gained great popularity. But it doesn't end here, as these services are also supported by phones, including iPhones or even iPads. After a period of beta testing, in which only a small circle of players got in, the gates of Xbox Cloud Gaming are finally opening to the public. The service received official support for iOS.

How Xbox Cloud Gaming works

Game streaming platforms work quite simply. The calculation of the game and all processing is handled by a remote (powerful) server, which then only sends the image to your device. You then react to these events, sending control instructions to the server. Thanks to a sufficiently high-quality Internet connection, everything happens in real time, without the slightest hiccups and high responsiveness. Nevertheless, it is necessary to fulfill a few conditions. The most important one is, of course, a sufficiently high-quality and, above all, a stable Internet connection. Subsequently, it is necessary to play on a supported device, which now includes the already mentioned iPhone and iPad.

This way, you can play more than 100 games that are hidden in the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate library. You can then enjoy them either directly through the touch screen or through the game controller, which seems to be the best option. Of course, nothing is free. You have to buy the aforementioned Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, which will cost you CZK 339 per month. If you have never had it before, a trial version is offered here, where the first three months will cost you 25,90 CZK.

Playing through Safari

However, due to the terms of the App Store, it is not possible to provide an app that acts as a "launcher" for other apps (in this case games). Game streaming companies have been dealing with this condition for some time now and have managed to work around it through the native Safari browser. Following the example of Nvidia and their platform GeForce NOW Microsoft also resorted to the same step with its xCloud.

How to play via xCloud on iPhone

  1. Open on iPhone this website and save it to your desktop
  2. Go to your desktop and click on the icon that links to the web page saved above. It should be called Cloud Gaming
  3. Sign in to your Microsoft account (or pay for an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription)
  4. Choose a game and play!