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It's high time to register for the biggest event for Czech and Slovak mobile developers. More than 400 of them will meet in Prague for the fifth time. This year it will be on June 27 in the premises of the University of Economics. The biggest attraction this time are speakers from Great Britain, Finland or Germany.

The one-day mobile app development conference mDevCamp is growing in popularity. "We opened the registration three days ago and after four hours twenty percent of the tickets were gone," explains the main organizer Michal Šrajer from Avast.

It's already on conference website a substantial part of the program of the event is available, it will be continuously supplemented. "In addition to the best representatives from the Czechoslovak scene, there will also be interesting guests from Great Britain, Germany, Finland, Poland and Romania," adds Michal Šrajer. Speakers will include people from Google, TappyTaps, Madfinger Games, Avast, Inloop and many more, as well as independent developers and designers.

The organizers will offer a lot in one day – technical lectures, inspiring talks not only about mobile development, game rooms with the latest smart devices and robots, an interactive game for all participants and a final afterparty.

This year's main topics will be the Internet of Things, mobile security, developer tools and practices, and mobile UX. "However, we will also delve into mobile games, backend development and we will also talk about how to monetize applications," adds Michal Šrajer.

The conference will traditionally be divided into three lecture halls. In addition, a "workshop room" will be added, where developers can try out many of the new procedures and tools that will be discussed.

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