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For the more fortunate among you, downloading apps that are supposed to help users focus better may seem bizarre. But if you belong to the type of people who need a useful helper in this direction, the Focus application may come in handy. It is supposed to help owners of apple computers with better concentration and productivity.


The Focus application features a blue-and-white, simple user interface. After its first launch, it will first welcome you with an overview of its features, after which you will be taken to the main screen of the application. It consists of a side panel with a countdown and a top bar on which you can find buttons for switching to the calendar, setting or refining the timer.


The Focus application for Mac is one of the tools that will help you focus using the so-called Pomodoro technique. It is a series of time intervals during which you have to concentrate exclusively on the selected task, with these intervals regularly alternating with shorter breaks. In the Focus application, you can set individual tasks for each day of the week and also get an overview of the number of work sections and breaks.


There can be no doubt about the usefulness of the Focus application. The Pomodoro technique really helps a lot of people at work. However, the Focus application is paid - it will cost you 129 crowns per month or 999 crowns per year with a one-week free trial period, and it does not offer the possibility of using the free "truncated" version. So it's up to you whether it's worth investing in the application.
