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MacBooks and iPads are extremely popular products among students. They combine great performance, good battery life and compactness, which is absolutely key in this case. At the same time, however, we get to the never-ending discussion about whether a MacBook is better for studying, or vice versa iPad. Let's therefore focus on both options, mention their pros and cons and then choose the most suitable device.

In this article, I will be based primarily on my own student experiences, as I am relatively close to the topic of choosing equipment for study needs. In general, however, it can be said that there is no imaginary ideal device in this direction. Everyone has different needs and preferences, which must be taken into account when choosing a Mac or iPad.

General assumptions

First of all, let's look at the most important qualities that are absolutely crucial for students. We already hinted at this slightly in the introduction itself – it is important for students to have a device that provides them with sufficient performance, good battery life and overall easy portability. When we look at Apple's representatives - MacBooks and iPads, respectively - then it is clear that both categories of devices meet these basic conditions with ease, while each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages in certain areas.

Although Apple tablets and laptops are basically very similar, they have the already mentioned differences that make them unique devices for specific situations. So let's break them down step by step and focus on their strengths and weaknesses before moving on to an overall evaluation.

ipad vs macbook


Let's start first with apple laptops, which I am personally a little closer to. First of all, we have to state an extremely important piece of information. It is necessary to take into account that Macs as such are computers with the macOS operating system. However, the hardware itself plays a very important role, i.e. own chipsets from the Apple Silicon family, which move the device several steps forward. Thanks to the introduction of these chips, Macy not only offers significantly higher performance, thanks to which it can easily handle any operation, but at the same time they are also energy-efficient, which subsequently results in a battery life of several hours. For example, the MacBook Air M1 (2020) offers up to 15 hours of battery life when browsing the web wirelessly, or up to 18 hours of battery life when playing movies in the Apple TV app.

Undoubtedly, the biggest advantages that Apple laptops bring with them lie in their performance and the macOS operating system. This system is significantly more open than other systems from Apple, which gives the user a significantly free hand. Apple users thus have access to an extensive selection of applications (including some apps designed for iOS/iPadOS). It is in this respect that MacBooks have a significant advantage. Since these are traditional computers, users also have professional software at their disposal, which can significantly facilitate their work. For this reason, after all, it is said that the capabilities of Macs are significantly more extensive, and at the same time, they are devices that are many times more suitable, for example, for editing photos and videos, working with spreadsheets, and the like. Although the aforementioned iPads also have these options. In the case of Macs, you also have some popular game titles at your disposal, although it is true that the macOS platform generally lags behind in this regard. Even so, it is slightly ahead of iPads and the iPadOS system.


Now let's briefly focus on iPads. In this case, we are talking about classic tablets, which thus bring relatively fundamental advantages. When it comes to the discussion of whether a Mac or an iPad is better for study purposes, the Apple tablet clearly wins on this particular point. Of course, this is not always the case - if, for example, you need to program while studying, then the iPad as such will not help you much. On the other hand, however, it dominates in slightly different areas. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that this is a significantly lighter device, which is such a clear winner in terms of portability. So you can playfully put it in your backpack, for example, and you don't even have to worry about its weight.

The touch screen is also extremely important, which gives the user a number of options and in many ways easier control. Especially in combination with the iPadOS operating system, which is directly optimized for touch control. But we will only focus on the best now. Although it is a tablet, you can turn the iPad into a laptop in an instant and use it for more complex work. Simply connect a keyboard, such as the Magic Keyboard with its own trackpad, and you're ready to go. Support for taking notes by hand can also be key for students. In this respect, the iPad practically has no competition.

ipados and apple watch and iphone unsplash

It's no wonder, then, that most students using iPads own an Apple Pencil. It is the Apple Pencil that is characterized by incredibly low latency, accuracy, sensitivity to pressure and a number of other advantages. This puts students in an extremely advantageous position – they can easily process handwritten notes, which in many ways can surpass only plain text on Macs. Especially in subjects where you study, for example, mathematics, statistics, economics and similar fields that cannot do without calculations. Let's pour some pure wine - writing down samples on the MacBook keyboard is no glory.

MacBook vs. iPad

Now we come to the most important part. So what device to choose for your study needs? As I mentioned above, if we are talking purely about studying, then the iPad appears to be the winner. It offers incredible compactness, supports touch control or the Apple Pencil, and a keyboard can be connected to it, making it an incredibly multifunctional device. Still, it has its faults. The main obstacle lies in the iPadOS operating system, which quite strongly limits the device in terms of multitasking and the availability of some tools.

After all, this is the reason why I have been using a MacBook for my study needs for several years, specifically because of its complexity. Thanks to this, I have a device at my disposal that is also an ideal partner for work, or can also cope with playing some popular video games such as World of Warcraft, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive or League of Legends. Let's therefore summarize it in points.

Why choose MacBook:

  • A more open macOS operating system
  • Greater support for professional applications
  • Comprehensive usability even outside of study needs

Why choose iPad:

  • Low weight
  • Portability
  • Dotykové ovladani
  • Support for Apple Pencil and keyboards
  • It can completely replace workbooks

All in all, the iPad seems to be a versatile and versatile companion that will make your student years noticeably easier. However, if you regularly use complex programs or program software, then you can easily encounter an apple tablet. Although it has more or less an edge with regards to studying as such, the MacBook is really a more universal helper. This is the reason why I rely on an apple laptop all the time, mainly because of its operating system. On the other hand, the truth is that I am practically useless in the mentioned subjects such as mathematics, statistics or microeconomics/macroeconomics.
