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Apple simply doesn't want you to lose your devices and have them stolen without the ability to track their current whereabouts. Of course, there is another side to it, namely the possibility to track the movement of people who have, for example, location sharing turned on. iOS 15 informs its users about the fact that the phone can be tracked even after it is turned off. 

iPhones cannot be simply turned off with a hardware button. To actually take them offline, you need to go to Settings -> In general, where you go all the way down. Only here is the possibility Turn off. When you select it, you will see the classic message "Swipe to turn off".

Localization even after shutdown 

In iOS 14, however, the interface offered no other option than to actually turn off the device, or to cancel the option itself. However, if you want to turn off your iPhone with iOS 15, you will see the message "iPhone can be located after power off" under the gesture area.

The first screen is from iOS 14, the following are from iOS 15:

What does it mean? That even if the device runs out of power, you'll still know where it happened. Thanks to the integration of the broadband U1 chip in iPhone 11 and later devices, you will be able to precisely locate it even after the device is turned off. This is due to the fact that even if the iPhone turns off due to a low battery, it still has some reserve from which the function takes the necessary energy. However, Apple says you must do so within 24 hours of turning off the phone. After this time, the reserve will probably run out as well.

What's the catch? If you've lost your device, don't worry. You can really find it by doing this. But what if you turned off your phone so that your exact location could not be tracked? After clicking on the newly displayed information, you have the option to remove the phone from the Find platform while it is offline. You still need to enter a numerical code for confirmation. The function is reactivated with a new device start. 
