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At Apple, great attention is paid to every little detail. Former CEO Steve Jobs, his court designer Jony Ive and other big personalities from Apple made the company fanatically perfectionist. Even such companies, however, can obviously make mistakes when designing the product. But is it really a mistake? Perhaps it is just an insufficient consideration of all aspects of a seemingly intractable problem. 

The logo on the lid of the Macbook was a frequent topic of discussion at Apple a few years ago. As you can see in this picture from one scene of the series Sex in the city, the logo on the lid of the Macbook was originally placed upside down by the designers, so when the lid of the computer was opened it was upside down. Employees of the Californian company have an internal system called "Can We Talk?" opportunity to discuss any issues with management. So this option was used by many to ask why the logo on the MacBook is positioned upside down.

The problem, of course, was that the Apple logo would always be upside down from one perspective. If you have a Macbook made in the last eight years, the logo is correct when you are working on the MacBook, but if you close your computer and put it in front of you, you will find that the bitten apple is pointing downwards.

Originally, the design team thought that placing the logo the way it is now would confuse users and make them want to open their laptop on the opposite side. Steve Jobs always focused on providing the best possible user experience and thought it was more important to satisfy the needs of the user than the person looking at the open MacBook from the opposite side.

Nevertheless, the decision was finally changed on the grounds that every user will quickly get used to the "illogical" opening. However, the problem with the apple being placed "head down" persists and will probably never be solved.
