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Many of you probably know that gardening is usually a very relaxing activity. Such active rest has a number of physical and mental benefits and thus helps to find one's peace. But what can quickly shake your peace is, for example, a rapidly advancing flock of locusts, water evaporating from the soil at the speed of an inverted waterfall, or an annoying snail eating your field of grass. In reality, such problems, or at least to such an urgent degree, do not seem to occur.

However, you can bet your gardening boots that similarly stressful situations will regularly disturb your zen peace in the new game Regrowth. In addition to the usual planting of seeds and regular watering, she also adds another mission - to save the game islands from sinking. The islands in the game are made up of squares where your plants can flourish. But they can also dry out uncomfortably quickly. When everyone on one island dries up, a piece of land sinks into the ocean.

But how can you prevent this in the game? Your main helper will be a reservoir of fresh water, which you will supply to the entire area of ​​the islands using various channels. Various animals can also come to your aid. While bees will help you pollinate flowers, swarms of grasshoppers can really flood you. Regrowth basically represents a game with already experienced logical principles. It will only be up to you to put everything together in your head and think about the fact that we can expect similar situations in some time in our non-virtual world as well.

You can purchase Regrowth here

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