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Curly hair, shirt sleeves rolled up high. It will be difficult to find an Apple fan who does not know GTD trainer and promoter, co-author of Digit, Apple evangelist Petr Mára.

Books, toys and Apple

Hi Peter. You are known to travel a lot. what are you doing on the plane

Hi, you're right, there's been more flying lately - if I had to characterize what I do on the plane, then according to GTD it's mostly the context of @Řeším_emaily. (laughs) For me, the plane is an opportunity to try to improve communication, for which there was no time before (it was not a priority), or to prepare for the training that awaits me at the end of the flight. So, after dealing with the most important emails, I usually turn on the iPad and go through the applications that I will need, test them, try to find a reasonable "line" between them and think about how to explain them, how to emphasize their advantages. Now I mainly present iPads abroad, whether in the context of use as a work tool or as school supplies, and preparation in this direction takes a lot of time, and the plane has a clear advantage in that - you are offline and can fully concentrate. (laughs) And when I finish this and I have time left, I'll watch the last episode of Homeland, or see if I still enjoy the latest version of Angry Birds as much as I did with the first episode.

In addition to angry birds, you also play…

Most recently I have played Most Wanted, Reckless 2 and NOVA 3. I also like SG: DeadZone and I also bought Minecraft… but I haven't fallen into the madness of this game yet, I guess I need more time.

What books have you read lately?

There's more - fiction-wise, I've finished reading Melevil by R. Merle and re-listened to the Steve Jobs biography three days ago as an audiobook. Immediately after the release, I started the last chapters, which I know from "my outsider's point of view" and I was interested in the view directly from the Apple environment. I set the audiobook in Czech from the first chapter and listened to the biography from the very beginning. By the way, I enjoy audiobooks more and more in combination with traveling. And if I look in iBooks, in recent days I have been studying a lot of books labeled Mac OS X Support Essentials, which are intended for OS X certifications. Which is not really fiction, but rather dense technical literature, I would almost say non-fiction. (laughter)

Was it a classic book or just a collection of zeros and ones?

They were all bits and pieces, I have a book in the form of atoms by Jo Nesb by my bed... I should probably pay attention to it soon, I got it last Christmas and if I get a sequel to this I should hurry. I confess that, if new books are offered in electronic form, I clearly prefer the version with zeros and ones. I don't need the feeling of paper to properly enjoy the story, an electronic reader is enough for me and fully suits me. And if it is a book where I need to mark the text and continue to work with it, the electronic version clearly leads the way.

If a person comes across you on the Internet, they will learn not only about your travels and hobbies. Quite often you write: I tried this gadget... What has caught your attention lately? Is it not piling up at home?

Gadgets have always been my thing, and as soon as it can be connected to iOS or Mac, I want to test it out. (laughs) Which is leading to some overwhelm at the moment. I have the exact opposite problem I had years ago. Now I'm really into the smart home, so over Christmas I'll be testing Belkin's WeMo, which can even be linked via, which I think is absolutely brilliant. Philips Hue is another gadget I'm looking forward to, thanks to which I will be able to change the color of light bulbs at home using my iPhone. (laughs) And just yesterday I was putting a link on Twitter about Koubachi, which is an electronic plant watcher. It's an extreme of course, but it's fascinating to see how we're able to connect technology with everyday life. And then, of course, all the accessories for iOS such as external drives, home clouds, styluses and the like.

What did you want to be when you were little?

Astronaut of course, ABC magazine used to run great comics in my childhood and quite a few of them focused on science fiction and space in general. And if you add to that the fact that all the children's stickers and Lego sets revolved around spaceships, it's probably clear what I wanted to be. I probably won't be able to fulfill this original profession, but I believe that in a few years (perhaps tens of years) the journey to space will be available even for ordinary mortals, so I will fulfill my dream at least as a tourist. (laughter)

How one becomes: Apple Authorized Tech Series Presenter, Apple Sales Trainer, Apple Professional Development Trainer, Apple Distinguished Educator…

If you want to train Apple sw or hw, you basically have two ways. Either you will go the way of "free" certification, which means that you will focus on IT or Pro applications such as OS X, Aperture or Final Cut. If you do the initial certification and have training experience, you just need to undergo the so-called T3 (Train the Trainer), where you will receive from your mentor a several-day demonstration of how to train the given course and you yourself have to retrain part of it back to him. If you pass the test again and your mentor judges that you have sufficient know-how and skills to pass on the given content, you become a trainer. You can find more information at, it is quite time-consuming to absorb all the knowledge, financially, the given certification will cost several tens of thousands of crowns + of course travel, hotels, plane tickets and the like depending on the place where the given T3 takes place. Within this branch, I focused on IT, specifically on Mac OS X.

The second way is to train directly for Apple, where in my case I was approached directly and given the opportunity to train for the Sales team, I also help in the educational segment and now I focus more on training on the integration of iOS and Mac within the so-called Tech series.

What comes to mind when I say Apple?

Innovation, Think different, great products, faith in your own path.

For me, Apple has been a brand that has been able to bring new perspectives to current products since the beginning of my perception of the company. At first I was fascinated by the OS because it had a graphical interface and I only knew the command line and Norton Commander from PC. Then the entanglement, I will never forget to this day how surprised I was when I ejected the floppy disk by throwing it in the trash in the 7.6 system. That was something fantastic. Of course, from today's point of view, it seems insignificant, but for me it was the moment when I understood that you can look at the computer a little differently than as a gray box, the operation of which requires you to study the manual for a week. The focus on detail and the interconnectedness of SW and HW got me, and I still find them in Apple products.

The Think Different ad for me expresses that initial idea that was presented after Steve came back and as long as this is true, as long as it is true that Apple is making new products that are not subject to the dictates of the market, that are not subject to business goals, but will primarily be about innovation, it will I like the company. This is the main difference that I see in Apple and I firmly believe that it will remain in the DNA of this company - the first thing is not the sale, the first thing is the product. And this is also related to the belief in one's own path, which is sometimes a little different than what the market and analysts see. But I probably don't need to attach specific examples on a server like this one. (laughter)

I would say that recently Apple has accumulated more blunders, for example Maps, slow disks in the cheapest iMac models, non-replaceable RAM... This does not seem innovative to me, I take it as fooling the customer and pulling money!

Fooling the customer and pulling money? Do you really see it that way? Each customer can decide whether this route suits him or not. If I enjoy tinkering with computers, I probably won't buy a MacBook Air, but a kit. And apparently Apple customers expect more from Apple products than a series of configurations and the use of a screwdriver to replace RAM. After all, innovation has nothing to do with components, but with how the product fits into the market, how it changes it with its approach. It's the same as if we were discussing what parts it has inside the iPad mini. Innovation is the concept of the device as a whole. The components are only a partial part of the whole solution. And as for the maps, everyone can read the official statement on

Peter, we did not understand each other... I am also not a fan of screwdrivers and do it yourself at home. I have a six-year-old iMac at home, in which I replaced the RAM memory myself. I shut down the computer, simply took out the old RAM, put in the new, and I was done. This is also why I like Apple. Now when I buy a new iMac, laptop, I have to think about how much RAM I want and pay extra for a faster disk, which by the way was included in the 2011 models? Do you think this is the innovative approach?

From my point of view, innovation is what the iMac looks like and what it is able to offer the customer as a whole - i.e. not only appearance, but also OS X, combination with Apple TV, the possibility to buy music, iCloud and the like. The speed of the disk is not what sets the innovation in my view. If you think about who the base model of the iMac is intended for, it's probably not customers who will recognize the difference between 5400 vs 7200 or more disk revolutions. And in principle they don't want to deal with this either. They want to buy a computer that won't bother them with options they don't understand and they primarily need to do their work or play on it.

If, on the other hand, you want to have an iMac according to your taste, you can choose a variant with a Fusion Drive and a larger RAM capacity. And as computers become more and more consumer goods, so does the possibility of configurability. Apple has always tried to make computers for home use, for the customer. And the new iMac is exactly that machine - it gives the average customer a finished product, if I want more, I can set up my own configuration.

Efficiency, podcasts and the web

Which clients do you provide training to?

As far as Mac and iOS training is concerned, it is of course training directly for Apple, Apple partners or companies that want to integrate iOS and Mac into their network and workflow and need help. As part of the activity, I also help with the deployment of iPads in schools, and I train for Apple abroad as part of the Apple Leadership Tour event. And it is a wonderful experience to have the opportunity to train in, for example, India, the United Arab Emirates or Italy. The different mentality of the participants puts new demands on me in terms of adapting the presentation to a different and often unfamiliar environment and is currently a direction that I enjoy a lot and forces me to improve in what I do.

Try to introduce the project to our readers.

The goal of is to show specific examples of how the iPad is used in our schools, so we try to get more detailed information from Apple EDU partners about their use in schools and pass them on. The second level is applications. The App Store offers so many these days that we try to select the most interesting ones and offer them to readers in a ready-made form - i.e. with a short description, link, images and the like.

What about your GTD training?

GTD is a slightly different target group and clients include both large companies - for example Oracle, ING, ČEZ, ČSOB and T-Mobile, so I had the opportunity to train and get to know teams from Inmite, Symbio and Outbreak. It's amazing to see how each company has slightly different needs, and this contact with the customer gives me the opportunity to get to know them and at the same time try to bend GTD, or tailor it, to their needs. In the end, the point is not so much to explain GTD, but to understand what state the client is in and how specifically what I know can help them.

Your other activities include podcasts. Aren't they already a bit past their zenith?

Do you think we are too old for them? (laughs) Or is it already "obsolete" technology?

People no longer sit for ten minutes or more at the computer and watch video, photos... I would say that they are not interested.

I don't feel this at all, the way in which people consume content is certainly changing, e.g. just as an audio backdrop at work, or while traveling in a car or public transport, but they still want information and we don't feel it in terms of viewership. Of course, if we do a 60 minute podcast, it's less likely that everyone will watch it to the end compared to a 3 minute shot, but as I said, the place where people listen to podcasts is changing, someone will listen to it in multiple parts, but the hunger for information, after specific information is still there and the length is not a limit that would make our fans stop watching podcasts.

As such, the web has accelerated its virtual life. People (I think so) are no longer willing to read longer texts, a photo from Instagram, a small "ublog" or a Twitter feed from the right is enough for them. Even Apple plans to release its products in a one-year innovation cycle, and there are even rumors of a six-month cycle for iZarizeni.

You're right, I certainly observe the same trend in myself, when I try to read and get information in smaller pieces, and actually the information that I pass on to people is better received in smaller doses than in the framework of, for example, an all-day training or a 90-minute podcast. The world is certainly moving in this direction, but the problem is that if we cannot immerse ourselves in the topic, we often solve only a partial problem, but do not see things from a larger perspective. That's why I try (and sometimes force myself) to tackle bigger books, longer podcasts (in terms of listening) and the like. Traveling by train, plane or car is ideal for this. Simply getting more time on one area is, in my view, key to understanding more, learning more. Even if time is against us. On the other hand, Twitter or Instagram are great for direction, for explaining how the author thinks. But not enough for understanding.

You can choose, filter, but I see it as information overload.

Each of us decides for ourselves how much we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by information, it is our choice whether we prefer short messages from Twitter, in-depth analyzes on a blog, or whether we let information from television and Facebook flow into our lives.

How do you see the future of the Internet? Recently, there has been a great effort from various parties to regulate it on the grounds that this channel spreads pornography, violates copyright...

I don't really believe that the internet can be completely tamed, there will always be ways to get information that will be regulated. On the other hand, from the point of view of an ordinary user, regulation will certainly occur and is already occurring. It will be influenced by both mobile operators (who may be able to change fees depending on how we use the data connection), and of course providers, but also search engines and content providers. There will always be a drive for influence that has to do with power and information, but on the other hand, there will always be a group of people who will be able to overcome this limitation and use the Internet in its true, original form.


There are a lot of rumors about the iCON that you have your fingers in. Try introducing him.

iCON is a conference, a festival that I am very much looking forward to. I had the opportunity to visit a number of conferences that were focused on Apple - be it MacWorld, Apple Expo or Mac Expo and I thought how wonderful it would be to bring this concept to us. But the right time came only now, when I discussed this topic together with Jasna Sýkorová and Ondřej Sobička this summer, and I found out that I am not the only one who has this dream. And since Apple basically only does its own product launch conferences, we had to design the entire iCON ourselves the way we wanted it to look.

What can visitors expect?

To give you an idea, it will be a two-day event that will take place in Prague 6 at the Technical Library on February 15 and 16, 2013, and which consists of several parts. iCON Expo will be a public part, accessible for free, where there will be both the stands of all exhibitors and thus the opportunity to see all locally available accessories in one place, but the Expo will also include public lectures. iCON Business will be an event on Friday (February 15), which will be focused primarily on Apple from a business perspective - ie. how Apple today compares to other players on our and the global mobile market - we will have both unique local research and a foreign speaker who will place Apple in a global context. This day will also bring information on how to get there and what to expect if you want to start selling in the Apple ecosystem, for example through iBooks or the App Store, how to use the iPad for work, how to integrate iOS into the company, and the like. Saturday, on the other hand, will be community based, in the spirit of "What can I do with an iPhone, iPad or Mac" and "How to do it". This part is called iCON Life. We see a lot of people who have no idea what they can do with their Apple products and we would like to show them that the potential is much bigger than Safari, Mail and Angry Birds. So Saturday will be about apps, how-tos, tips, music, photos, videos and entertainment as such. If visitors want to go more in-depth, we have prepared workshops for them on both days - both in the technical area and in the entertainment level (photo, music, video). And we would like to close the whole festival with a common section, which we call the iCON Party... and it probably needs no explanation. (laughter)

More information will follow so on our Facebook or Twitter. I look forward to seeing you at the Technical Library on February 15 and 16, 2013!

Thanks for the interview!
