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Apple has officially announced the date of its first event of the year. It is thus scheduled for April 20, 2021, when its prerecorded online transmission will begin at 19 p.m. our time. This time too, the company presented a rather colorful invitation, which can tell a lot about what it wants to present to us at the event. We subjected it to a proper analysis.

1. Just spring

Yes, this is a spring event, so it was to be expected that the invitation itself would come in many colors. After the gray winter, it is time for all nature to bloom, which will play with all possible color shades. The first theory is kind of boring because it means that the invitation itself just corresponds to the current season. Nothing more, nothing less.

spring loaded apple special event

2. iPad and ApplePencil

If you look at the static Apple logo included on the invitation, yours might already be on to something. If not, just play the hidden easter egg you find on the Apple website. When you open it in Safari on your iPhone or iPad, it moves beautifully through augmented reality. Smooth movements drawn with the Apple Pencil accessory can clearly be deduced from the entire animation. And where else could such lines be drawn than on the iPad. In addition, when you compare the current invitation with the one in September, where the iPads Air were presented, there is a definite similarity. Since Apple has already leaked a real photo of the 3rd generation Apple Pencil, and since the information about the new iPad Pro has been growing for several months, it is almost certain that the spring event will be in the spirit of these Apple tablets.

3. iMacs

The less likely option is that the colors correspond to the new color palette of the upcoming iMacs with Apple Silicon processors. The colors themselves are very similar to those currently offered by the iPad Air, and of which, according to numerous leaks, the color palette of the new iMacs is also to be released. From green to pink to blue, you can find the current iPad Air in green, rose gold and azure blue (as well as silver and space gray).

iPads of color iPads of color
iMac colors iMac colors

4. AirTags

The least likely possibility that the logo refers to is AirTags. Of course, the colors could refer not only to the color variants of the labels, but above all the individual lines could show the path you have to take to the desired object, which is decorated with the label. Of course, in this case it is already a very big crystal ball fortune-telling. Even with the fact that Apple has already updated the Find app to allow access to third-party products, it's even unlikely that we'll ever see AirTags. However, we will find out pretty soon, because the event is scheduled for Tuesday, April 20. 
