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If you've been following events in the Apple world for a long time, then you certainly didn't miss the presentation of iOS 13 a year ago. With the arrival of this operating system, many changes have come, thanks to which it is finally possible to use iPhones and iPads to the fullest. On the one hand, we saw the division of systems into iOS 13 for iPhone and iPadOS 13 for iPad, and on the other hand, there was a greater "opening" of both systems. So Apple has finally made available the internal storage of iPhones and iPads, which goes hand in hand with the option to download files and other data from Safari. At first glance, you might think there's nothing wrong with downloading from Safari - but in this article, we're going to show you some tips that might help.

Downloading files

If you decide to download a file on your iPhone or iPad, you know for sure that it is nothing complicated. You just need to click on the appropriate link, which is used to download the file, and then just choose within the Files application whether the file should be saved to iCloud or to the memory of the iPhone or iPad. But not in all cases this procedure of just clicking the download button works. For example, in the case of music tracks or some images, you may find that when you click on the download link, a new window will only open with the song that will start playing, or with the image - but the download will not start. In this case, it is necessary to start the download of a certain file differently.

If you are unable to download a song, image, or other data, it is necessary to start the download in another way. In this case, you need to navigate within Safari to the web page where there is a link that should start the download. Instead of clicking on the link, click on it hold your finger for a moment, until it appears dialog menu. Once you have done so, select an option from this menu Download the linked file. After tapping this option, it's enough allow download the file and the download will start. You can monitor the download status in the upper right corner of the screen, where a circular arrow will appear, click on it.

Download settings

After downloading a file, most users have no idea where it was saved. In Settings, you must first set where all downloaded files should be saved. By default, all downloaded data is stored in iCloud, specifically in the Downloads folder. However, if you do not have space on iCloud, or if you want to change the download destination for any other reason, then it is not difficult. In this case, go to the native app Settings, where to get off below and locate the box safari, which you tap. Here, then move again below and in the category In general click the box Downloading. Here you just have to choose whether you want to download the data to iCloud to your Downloads folder, to your iPhone, or completely other, special folders. You can still in the section below Delete records set the time after which all download records you make on your device will be automatically deleted.

If you change the location designated for saving files from Safari on your iPhone or iPad, please note that already downloaded files will not be automatically moved to the new location. Only newly downloaded files will be saved in the newly selected location, and the original files may need to be moved manually. To do so, go to the application files, where in the bottom menu click on Browsing and click open place, where all the files originally stored. At the top right, tap icon of three dots in a circle, select an option Choose a mark all files to be moved. Then tap on the bottom bar folder icon, and then choose where the files go to move.

Folder with downloaded files in Favorites

When you click on Browse within the Files app, you may have noticed a section called Favourite, where the folders you visit most often are located. Unfortunately, in this case, the folders are automatically added to this section and cannot be assigned here manually. Over time, if you work with downloaded files often, the folder you selected will appear in Favorites, so you won't have to click through all the possible locations in Files. Of course, this also works with other folders that you will visit often.

download in safari ios
Source: Files in iOS