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Podcasts are very popular among users. To listen to them, you can use not only the native Apple Podcasts or the Spotify service, but also some of the third-party applications. In today's article, we will bring you an overview of five applications that will serve you well for this purpose. This time, we've chosen newer and lesser-known podcast apps.

Pods - Podcast Player

Pods is a multi-purpose app that is sure to please anyone who listens to podcasts while walking or running. In addition to the function of listening to podcasts, it also offers a pedometer, GPS compatibility or perhaps the ability to share maps. As far as podcasts are concerned, you will be able to choose from a comprehensive library in the application, of course there are tools for controlling the playback of podcasts or the option of downloading for offline listening.

Download Pods – Podcast Player for free here.

Podcast Czech Republic

This app from the workshop of myTuner promises a great podcast listening experience. You can look forward to an always fresh offer of new interesting content to listen to, a rich library of podcasts of various genres and literally tens of millions of individual episodes in all possible languages ​​and categories. The Podcast Czech Republic application offers playback control options, content downloads for offline listening and a number of other great features.

You can download the application Podcast Czech Republic for free here.

Google Podcasts

Simple, functional, reliable - this is the Google Podcasts application. It offers everything you would expect from a classic podcast app – the ability to subscribe to podcasts, offer new content to listen to, customize your listening and control options, downloads, listening history and a host of other cool and useful features. The Google Podcasts app is completely free and ad-free.

You can download the Google Podcasts app for free here.

Pocket Casts

Pocket Casts is a very popular platform worldwide, with which you can enjoy listening to your favorite podcasts one hundred percent. It offers a rich display of functions, simple operation and the possibility of discovering new content. Its functions also include, for example, skipping silent moments, adjusting the playback speed, extended volume control options and much more. The Pocket Casts app offers Apple Watch compatibility, AirPlay, and support for Sonos and Chromecast.

You can download Pocket Casts for free here.


The Goodpods app is a great companion for all podcast lovers. It also has a community page, so if you want, you can also get an overview of what your friends are listening to and recommend interesting podcasts to them. In Goodpods, you can customize individual playback parameters, follow your favorite creators, discuss podcasts with other listeners, and much more.

You can download the Goodpods app for free here.
