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If you are a person who likes to watch your weight and calorie count, then there is a new application for you Calorie tables!

The application will welcome you with a password after its first launch "Lose weight healthily and sensibly". So even the password will tell you enough. You will monitor your calories every day. You simply enter your breakfast information and find out what to have for dinner so that you don't gain too many extra kilos by the next morning. Developer Zentity Ltd for which this application is signed Tomáš Pětivoky created this application primarily so that many people have an assistant with them to help them choose the right diet.

If you have already created an account on, you will be able to log in with your existing account after launch. Otherwise, I recommend creating a new account, with which movement in the application will be much more pleasant and easier. Also, many functions are tied to it, which you will not have access to if you are not logged in. In addition, registration consists only of your email, password, its repetition and then slightly more personal data: your height, weight, gender and year of birth. And it's not that personal information after all. And if you're wondering what the app will use your data for - the answer is easy: these data are used to more accurately calculate your metabolism and energy expenditure during activities.

In the tab Menu you add values ​​and your diet during the day: that is, for breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and second dinner. Of course, there will be people who will not enter all types of food during the day. The application also remembers this, and even though many doctors today encourage it, you can leave the selected fields empty.

Let's take a specific situation as an example - breakfast. You choose it from A dining table and here are several options to add a specific type of food. Either by searching in the database, selecting from a list, taking a picture of the barcode or directly entering the calories you set. I have to admit that the database is really big. And if this should be the only positive of the app, believe me, this is reason enough to have it. Moreover, it is not the only positive.

The food database is really, really big. You have a choice of several types and often even several brands in each category. Each meal will be calculated for your calories for the total - but the total will be made up of many parts, from carbohydrates to sugars to calcium. In other words, a completely comprehensive, sorted and ultimately sum total of each meal. In addition, on the first tab Home you will see not only the current day, but also a graph of your weight and a graph of the energy needed for the given day. Card Home also contains an activity database. And again - there are not a few of them, from Thinking po Running or swimming with a large variance in the length of meters swum or kilometers run.

In the tab More you can also set many useful adjustments. For example, you can set your target desired weight here, which you want to get closer to and with Weight chart you can follow it every day and observe how you manage to meet your goal.

Finally, I definitely shouldn't leave out the bookmark Favourite. But here it will be simple - that is, everything you have added to your favorites (whether it is your favorite products, products, or exact meals or your activities) - everything will be displayed here. Adding to this group is very simple. Each item has a fairly large "star" outline next to it, which responds to a tap by automatically adding it to that list.

And the last part is Barcode, i.e. the possibility to immediately take a photo of the product's barcode and the application will add it to your daily consumption and at the same time find out which product it is. From now on, you can easily go shopping with your phone and find out if the product is suitable for you or not.

And what to say in conclusion? This application is perfect especially for people who watch their weight or want to lose weight. But she also excited me, as a person who doesn't care how everything gets organized. It is simple, easy to use, and above all, it will amaze you with its large database of both activities and products and dishes of various types and brands. A big advantage is also that the application does not follow the trend where developers set the lowest limit for the operation of the iOS 4.3 application, but here the developers also remember the old 3G users who run on iOS 4.2 at the most. And you get an added bonus that the app is free and doesn't cost you anything. That's why I only recommend it.


App Store – Calorie tables (free)

