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We already brought you an article about how Apple doesn't really know how to handle the design of the iPhones with regard to the material and finish of their chassis. The company's fumbling also confirms what is in store for the iPhone 16. 

Jony Ive, the former Senior Vice President of Apple product design, left the company on November 30, 2019. Although not all of his decisions were 100% and many of them were somewhat controversial, he was one of the biggest and best-known faces of Apple. He does well on the solo track, which cannot be said for how he fumbles on the iPhone itself. These changes would also likely not pass under his command. Well, at least not in the style that Apple now practices and intends to practice. 

Last year, with the iPhone 15 Pro, we got an Action button instead of a volume rocker, and the change was beneficial. Instead of a function that could not be changed and many have not used it at all for years (thanks to smart watches that discreetly alerted them to everything happening on the phone), we got an option through which we can quickly activate practically any function of the phone. This year, however, Apple will try to retrain us to something else. 

Capture button 

You can really set a lot of options for the Action button, how you want it to behave after holding it for a long time. Indeed, many users have liked it very much and many of them have set the camera activation function to it. You can do this anytime and from anywhere, and it's faster than launching the camera from the Control Center. But with iPhone 16, we will get another button that will actually do the same thing, and we will again learn to use the Action button for another function defined by us. This is simply a waste. 


On the one hand, it's certainly good that Apple is thinking about what features it would add to future iPhones. It actually made sense for the Action button. But why didn't we just get the Capture button with it so that we could learn to use them simultaneously and for different functions? Yes, I also have the Action button set to launch the camera. But the Capture button will also do just that, which can also be used to take pictures directly (of course, the Action button can also do this, as well as the volume buttons). 

So we get the same thing, only wider, more embedded and in a different place, and which probably cannot be assigned a different function. Well, the difference will be that the button will be touch sensitive so that by swiping it you will be able to zoom in and out on a scene, focus on an object, etc. This functionality is certainly interesting, but how many times will I hold the Action button for which I will have another function mapped to launch the camera and take a snapshot that will slip away in the meantime? 
