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Jony Ive gave an interview Wallpaper magazine, which focuses primarily on design. The interview took place a few days after Apple started selling the iPhone X. It is the iPhone X that Ive mentions several times in the interview, as well as their new headquarters called Apple Park, which should open next week.

The most interesting segment of the interview was probably the passage about the iPhone X. Jony Ive talked about how he perceives the new iPhone, what features he finds most interesting and how he sees the future of other Apple phones considering what the company has come up with this year. According to him, one of the most interesting things about the new iPhone is how it can adapt over time. The functioning of the entire phone depends on the software running inside.

I've always been fascinated by products that aren't specifically designed and serve more general purposes and actions. What's great about the iPhone X, in my opinion, is that its functionality is tied to the software inside. And as software evolves and changes, iPhone X will evolve and change with it. A year from now, we'll be able to do things with it that aren't currently possible. That in itself is amazing. When we look back on it, only then will we realize how important a milestone this is.

Similar ideas could be applied to most modern hardware, the functioning of which is conditioned by some software. In this regard, Ive especially highlights the display, which is basically a kind of gateway to this device. Developers can thus focus only on it and do not have to take into account, for example, fixed controls, etc. In a similar vein, his answer to whether it lacks classic button controls, such as those on the original iPod, is carried in a similar vein. In it, he basically describes that he is much more fascinated by the object, the function of which is gradually developing.

In the next part of the interview, he mainly mentions Apple Park, or about the new premises and what they will mean for employees. How open space will affect the creative spirit and cooperation between individual teams, how Apple Park and its parts are doing in the field of design, etc. You can read the entire interview <a href="" data-gt-href-en="">here</a>.

Source: Wallpaper
