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The absence of Czech is one of the most common things that Czech users complain about in this regard. But they've been reliant on Siri in other languages ​​since the beginning, and it doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon. Czech developer David Beck, however, in the spirit of Cimrman's "Czech will adapt", decided that if Apple doesn't give us Siri, he will create it himself. Thanks to him, we may soon be able to be "unfaithful" to Siri with the Czech Emma.

At the end of last month, a video appeared on Beck's YouTube channel, in which a young Czech developer presents his own version of a voice assistant for Czech owners of iOS devices. "Hello, Czech Republic, yes, I can speak Czech," Emma greets viewers from the video. In the video, David Beck presents everything that the Czech Emma can (so far). He answers Beck's questions relatively quickly and reliably, in the video we can see, for example, how Emma managed to set the minute minder thanks to a Czech voice command. However, it must be noted that comparing Emma to Siri should be taken with a lot of caution. Emma will most likely come to Czech iOS devices as a "mere" application, not as a fully integrated and integral part of the system. So it is necessary to take into account that it will not be able to handle as much as Siri.

The first functional beta version of Emma should see the light of day already this Saturday, i.e. March 7. At the beginning of this spring, Czech users could expect its full version in the form of an application in the App Store - Emma will be completely free to download. Emma knows Czech and Slovak, and in time Polish and other languages ​​could also be added.
