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Jeff Williams was born in 1963. After graduating from college, he began working at IBM in operations and engineering positions. He joined Apple in 1998. Until 2004, he worked there in the management of global purchases, in 2004 he was appointed vice president of operations. Three years later, Williams played a significant role in Apple's entry into the smartphone market, also leading global operations for the iPod and iPhone.

At least for a while, Jeff Williams was not one of the Apple personalities that the public would hear about very often. Over time, however, his name began to be inflected more and more often - for example, in connection with the rising sales of iPhones a few years ago. John Gruber of the Daring Fireball server noted in connection with the increase in iPhone sales that Williams has a huge amount of credit for it. The Cult of Mac server published an article at the time calling Williams "Cook's Tim Cook" and calling him an unsung hero. In 2017, Time magazine named Jeff Williams as the XNUMXth most influential person in the technology industry.

In mid-December 2015, Jeff Williams was appointed chief operating officer of Apple, joining Tim Cook and Luca Maestri among the company's top executives. In his previous position as vice president of operations, Williams oversaw supply chain, service and support. On the occasion of his appointment to the new position, Tim Cook described Williams as "without exaggeration the best operational executive he has ever worked with".

Jeff Williams will oversee product design after Jony Ive leaves Apple. While it's too early to make judgments about where Williams' career will go next, a number of serious tech-focused media outlets aren't shying away from labeling him as the next possible successor to Tim Cook. According to his colleagues, Williams has already shown an intense interest in product development in the past and has significantly contributed to stabilizing the main role of the Apple Watch, which is currently doing very well in the wearable electronics market.

jeff williams

Sources: Cult of Mac, MacRumors [1] [2],
