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Some users complain that the system is very slow after updating to iOS 14. But the truth is that iOS 14 is no more demanding than the older iOS 13, on the contrary. So how is it possible that an iPhone can seem slow after installing iOS 14? In most cases, this is due to the animations that you can watch across the entire operating system. In this article, let's take a look at how you can speed up, disable or limit animations in iOS 14, thereby speeding up the entire iPhone. Let's get straight to the point.

If you want to completely disable animations on your iPhone, you must have it installed jailbreak. He has become more and more popular in recent months and is experiencing a second wave of fame. And no wonder, as it comes with countless great features that ordinary users can only dream of. For complete management of animations within iOS 14, jailbreak users can use a tweak called AnimPlus. This tweak can speed up animations on the home screen, when launching and closing apps, when unlocking and locking the phone, and in many other situations. By shortening the duration of these animations, you can really speed up your iPhone noticeably. If you turn off animations completely, all system components will appear instantly. Tweak AnimPlus you can get it for $1.50 in repositories Packix.

Let's face it, most of our readers most likely don't have a jailbreak installed. Anyway, the good news is that even these individuals can speed up animations, and thus limit them. It is definitely not possible to turn them off completely as in the case of the AnimPlus tweaks mentioned above, the difference is more than noticeable anyway. In particular, you can somehow limit the animations so that instead of the complex ones, simple ones will be displayed. To set this restriction, go to the native application Settings, where click the box below Disclosure. After that, you need to move to the section Movement, where activate function Limit movement. Finally, another option will appear To prefer blending, which also activate. This will result in a noticeable acceleration of the operating system.
