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Newer versions of the macOS operating system offer, among other things, the possibility of using native Shortcuts on Mac in a similar way that we know from iOS or iPadOS. Nevertheless, there is a relatively large number of users who do not want to use this application, or do not know how to get started. If you are one of them, read on.

Launch and edit shortcuts on Mac

Although Apple claims from the beginning that Shortcuts on the Mac are very similar to those on the iPhone or iPad, the way they are launched and edited are quite different. You might be wondering how to actually launch a shortcut on a Mac. First, launch the Shortcuts app as such, then find the shortcut you want to launch. Then move the mouse cursor over this shortcut, and when a play button appears to the left of the shortcut name, click this button to start the shortcut. If you want to edit the selected shortcut, you need to double-click on it. This will take you to the main tab of the shortcut itself, where you can freely edit all the necessary details.

How to add a shortcut shortcut to the menu bar

Unfortunately, in the basic settings, it is not possible to add a shortcut of the selected shortcut to the desktop or Dock via the native Shortcuts on Mac. But you can choose a group of shortcuts that you can quickly launch by clicking on their icon in the top bar (menu bar) of your Mac. To add a shortcut shortcut to the top menu bar, launch native Shortcuts on your Mac and double-click the selected shortcut. Click the sliders icon in the top right, then check Pin to menu bar.

How to launch shortcuts using keyboard shortcuts

A quick and easy way to launch shortcuts on your Mac is to use keyboard shortcuts, which the macOS operating system supports very generously. You can assign any keyboard shortcut to each shortcut. First, launch the native Shortcuts on your Mac, then double-click the chosen shortcut. Click the sliders icon in the top right, select Details, and click Add Keyboard Shortcut. Finally, enter the appropriate keyboard shortcut and confirm.
