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Almost everyone has taken a screenshot on their Mac or MacBook. You know that when you take a screenshot, a file called Screenshot [date] is created. However, this naming may not suit all users, as it is both long and contains diacritics. This can be a problem if you want to upload a screenshot named like this to some storage. In this tutorial, we'll see how you can set a different template after naming screenshots in macOS.

How to set a different screenshot naming template in macOS

This entire process will, as with many previous tutorials, take place within a framework Terminal. You can run this application from either by application, where you can find it in the folder utilities, or run it through Spotlight (magnifying glass in the upper right part of the display or a shortcut Command + Spacebar). After starting the Terminal, a window appears in which you write or insert commands that are used to perform various actions. In case you want to change the screenshot naming template, you can copy it this command:

defaults write name "[screenshot_name]"

Then it to Insert the terminal. Now it is necessary that you part [screenshot_name] rewritten according to which template you want to use. Then just activate the command by pressing the button Enter. For example, if you want new images to be saved under names Screenshot [date], this is what the command will look like as follows:

defaults write name "Screenshot"

Finally, it is necessary for you to perform restart the user interface. You can do this by: you copy this command:

killall SystemUIServer

Then eat it you insert to the application Terminal and key Enter you activate. The screen will flash, followed by the loading of system functions, icons and more. Once it's fully loaded, it's done.

If you want to revert this setting, follow the same steps as above. Just use it command, which I am attaching below. Don't forget to restart the UI at the end.

defaults write name ""