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I bet if I asked some of our readers if they knew where the history is in the iOS version of Safari, I'd get a mostly negative response. In today's article we will use history, so we will kill two things with one stone. We will show you where the history is located and show you how to delete just one specific item in the history. This can be useful, for example, when you want to buy a gift for your significant other and also for other activities. So how to do it?

How to delete specific items from history in iOS

  • Let's open the application Safari
  • Then we click in the bottom menu on the book icon
  • If the Reading List opens, we will use the button that has it the shape of a clock, V top of the screen switch to History
  • From there we can simply use a swipe right to left lubricate individual records

If you would like to delete multiple records from the history at once, for example for the last hour, day, two days or since the beginning of time, you can. Just press the Delete button in the lower right corner of the window. After clicking Delete, a warning will appear that deleting items from the history will delete both history and cookies and other browsing data.

Congratulations, during today's tutorial you learned where the browsing history is located in the iOS version of Safari and you also learned how to delete only one item from the history. At the very end, I will mention the fact that if you delete an entry from the history, you delete it forever. Once deleted, the recording cannot be restored unless you restore the device from a backup.
