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A few months ago, specifically this September, Google informed us that it was bringing dark mode support to its Gmail application. Meanwhile, while on Android 10 dark mode is already available within Gmail on all devices, this is definitely not the case with iOS. Dark mode came to Apple devices together with iOS 13 (iPadOS 13), but it can only be projected into system applications. If third-party applications also wanted to use the dark mode, the developers had to complete them. Of course, Google also took this path. Dark mode within Gmail is gradually being extended to all users. Let's see together in this guide how to find out if the dark mode in Gmail is already available for you, and if so, how to activate it.

How to enable dark mode in Gmail

On your iPhone or iPad with iOS 13 or iPadOS 13, open the application Gmail. Once all the emails are loaded, click on in the upper left corner three lines icon to open the main menu. Then get off here all the way down, where you will find an option named Topic (or similar, in English Theme). Here, you just have to choose whether you want to activate it light whether dark mode or switching leave it to the system by myself. First users can activate the dark mode in Gmail in the version 6.0.191023. If you do not see the tab with the option to change the mode, try the application end a turn on again.

If even after that the option to choose a mode does not appear, then you have to wait until it is your turn. Dark mode can significantly improve battery life and also protect your eyes at night. You are not so tired afterwards, and at the same time, by eliminating blue light, you should fall asleep better. If you have iOS 11 or iOS 12, there is no need to despair - even in these operating systems, the option to switch to dark mode in Gmail will appear. Instead of a bookmark, however, these users will only get a switch to activate or deactivate dark mode.
