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The native Mail application in macOS is sufficient for most ordinary users and will often serve even more demanding users well. But there are certain areas where Apple's email client could use some improvements. One of them is the attachments that the application displays in the body of the message - for example, full-size photos. Sometimes this can be a useful feature, but in most cases it makes the email confusing. However, there is a way to display attachments as icons.

Mail displays attachments of known files as full-size previews. These are photos in several formats (JPEG, PNG and others), videos or PDF documents and those created in applications from Apple - Pages, Numbers, Keynote and several others. Especially in the case of documents, this is often rather a counterproductive issue, because displaying the entire preview makes the e-mail less clear. A fully displayed photo, on the other hand, can display sensitive content to an unwanted person.

There are two ways to display attachments as icons in Mail. One is temporary, the other permanent. While the first option works in all circumstances, the permanent display change is only functional in some cases.

How to show attachments in Mail as icons (temporarily):

  1. Open the application Email and select email with attachment
  2. Right-click on the attachment and select View as icon
  3. Repeat the procedure for each attachment separately

How to show attachments in Mail as icons (permanently):

It should be noted that the permanent method requires entering a command in the Terminal and, above all, it does not work for everyone or not compatible with all system versions. While only some attachments were displayed as icons after entering the command, for some the command worked in all cases, for others not at all. If you try the method, let us know in the comments if it works for you.

  1. Opens the application Terminal (located in the Finder in Application -> utility)
  2. Copy the following command, paste it in Terminal and confirm with Enter
defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes

Attachments should now appear as icons in Mail. If not, try turning the application off and on, or enter the command again.

Mail attachments as terminal icons