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Blind Drive, the new game from developers Lo-Fi People, asks a question as old as humanity itself... well, at least as old as the first automobile. The novelty puts you behind the wheel of a car driving down the highway, but to your surprise, it also blindfolds you. What follows is meant to be an original creative effort that aims to prove that we don't always necessarily need all of our senses to play video games.

So the central situation is simple – you are sitting behind the wheel of a car and you can't see anything. But how did the protagonist Donnie get into such trouble? The need to make some extra money on the side led him to participate in a dubious scientific study. By a coincidence, he then finds himself in front of a precarious challenge. Now he has to deal with dozens of kilometers of highway, using only his hearing to do so. Occasional piercing flashes of light, but mainly realistic sound effects, will guide you on your way and help you with decisions about when and where to turn the wheel. During the 27 levels you will come across police cars and a lot of strange characters. To top it all off, your exasperated grandmother calls you saying you're late for dinner.

Blind Drive boasts of its engaging concept and fast gameplay, because you only need two buttons to control it. The developers don't take themselves too seriously, and that's how you should approach the game as well. Even though the main character is constantly at stake in it, it bursts with dark humor and love for game development. Plus, you can get Blind Drive now on Steam for an introductory discounted price.

You can buy Blind Drive here

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