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We all probably know how to search our Mac - press the magnifying glass on the right side of the menu bar or use the shortcut ⌘Space and Spotlight will appear. If we want to search or filter in the application, we click in its search field or press ⌘F. Few people know that you can also search for items hidden in the menu bar.

It is enough to click on the Help menu, or Help. A menu will appear with a search box at the top. This is especially useful when you are starting a new work tool that has an extensive menu with many items, or you simply find this method more convenient.

There may be times when you know what you want to do, but you don't know where that action is located in the menu. So you can browse the menu systematically or use the search. As soon as you move the cursor over a search result, this item opens in the menu and a blue arrow points to it.

The arrow points from the right side, so if an item has its own keyboard shortcut, the arrow points directly to it and can help to learn the shortcut. The keyboard shortcut ⇧⌘/ is used for searching in the menu bar and it must be additionally enabled in System Preferences. Unfortunately, for example in Safari, this shortcut fights with another shortcut and you switch between open Safari panels. Apparently this is caused by the Czech keyboard layout, when / a ú are located on the same key.
