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Knowing how to set up an iPad for older users is essential. People who use technology quite regularly tend to fall into the belief that using an iPad is easy for absolutely everyone. However, using an iPad has its own specifics for seniors, which are worth respecting. Many older iPad users may need to use specific aspects of their device, such as the various Accessibility features. We will cover all these specifics in our today's article.

Desktop customization

Since the iPad desktop is full of apps by default, even getting started with it can be confusing for older users. Therefore, you need to make it easy for the person who will be using the device to navigate. First, remove any apps that the older user is unlikely to use. Tap and hold each icon, then select an optiont Delete the application and confirm your choice.

Think about what the person is likely to use the iPad for every day. He might start the day reading the news, check the weather, go to Facebook, check his email and end it with his favorite music. You can easily set only these apps for them on your home screen. And if you're not sure what the elderly person you're giving an iPad to likes, you can always ask them once you hand them the tablet.

Customizing the Dock

With the Dock, it is similar to the desktop. This is undoubtedly a useful place where all iPad users can access their most used applications. Simplifying this area of ​​the iPad will be a big help to your loved one. As you may know, by default the Dock shows suggested and recent apps, along with those you choose. If you want to make the Dock clearer, it would be a good idea to turn this feature off.

On the iPad, run Settings -> Desktop and Dock. Then deactivate the item in the Dock section View recent and recommended apps.

Customization Disclosure

When customizing your iPad for an older user, don't forget to customize Accessibility. Head to Settings -> Accessibility, go through the individual categories and consider which accessibility elements are worth activating in your particular case. Some users will appreciate Voice Over, others Magnification, Color Filters or Assistive Touch. It also pays off in the section General -> Application level settings customize individual applications.

Display and brightness

Changing the brightness and display is worth doing if you want to ensure better vision protection for the elderly person you are giving the iPad to. These other modifications you might want to consider can be found in the menu Settings -> Display & Brightness. Don't forget to activate the feature Night Shift, customize the dark and standard mode alternation, and optionally enable bold text and customize the text size as well.

Find iPad

In this situation, the Find function is useful not only for the user, but also for you. You can track your iPad's location and even enable settings to send your last location if the battery is critically low. Run on iPad Settings -> Username panel, and tap Find. Activate items Find iPad, Find and Send Last Location Network. Also enable location sharing and explain to the person how they can locate the iPad through another device or from a web browser.
