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Sometimes words are not enough to express what we want to say. Someone uses emoticons in such cases, while others can transfer to animated GIFs. If you belong to the latter group, the App Store has a number of third-party keyboards ready for you, with which adding GIFs not only to messages will be a breeze.


Giphy offers a really rich library of not only various animated GIFs, but also stickers and short videos that you can use, for example, in iMessage or on Facebook Messenger. The application supports the Force Touch function, offers the option of turning off automatic playback, as well as the ability to create your own content by adding stickers, filters, inscriptions and other modifications.


With the help of the Gyfcat application, you can share high-quality animated GIFs and various stickers, not only in iMessage, but also on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter or even Facebook. Gyfcat has a rich variety of content on offer, thanks to which your conversation will definitely not be boring. Gyfcat looks really cool, the only downside is that it was last updated by its creators in the spring of last year.


Swiftkey is not primarily a GIF keyboard, but thanks to its versatility you can use it for that purpose as well. Among other things, the Swiftkey keyboard also includes a search function for animated GIFs. You can search for images on the keyboard by entering individual words or entire phrases. The range of GIFs is quite rich thanks to multiple sources, but Swiftkey lacks the ability to display trending GIFs, recently searched GIFs or save favorite images.

GIF Keyboard

You may be familiar with the Tenor GIF platform. It also includes a keyboard for iOS devices, where you can always find the right GIF for the occasion. You can also add various cartoon and animated stickers to the keyboard, create and add your own animated GIFs or custom sticker packs, and use them practically anywhere. It is also possible to add GIFs to the keyboard from the Safari browser on your iOS device.

