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Users of Apple products can be satisfied with what they have to offer. But they also often criticize the company for various errors and imperfections, which they find especially in operating systems and applications. However, few people actively participate in improving these services, even though it is relatively simple. 

Analysis and improvement 

As soon as you set up your new device, Apple asks you if you want to help it improve its services and products. Which of you gave him permission? If you have disabled this and changed your mind, you can grant this permission additionally. On the iPhone, just go to Settings -> Privacy, where you can find the offer below Analysis and improvement. After clicking on it, you can enable the option here Share iPhone analysis. If you click Analysis data, you can see what's being sent to Apple in that case, even though it's just a jumble of characters to most of us. However, Apple collects this data anonymously.


In iOS 15, Apple put a lot of focus on the Weather app, capitalizing on its acquisition of Dark Sky. Of course, you may encounter some errors. However, you will find the option directly below Report a problem Apple. While the company collects your feedback and location information here, it is not associated with your Apple ID in any way. So you can define general weather conditions here, if they do not correspond to reality, as well as better define temperature, wind and other weather conditions (lightning, hail, fog). After specifying more accurate data, just select in the top right Send.



After the introduction of Apple Maps, they received a fairly justified wave of criticism, but with the passage of time, the documents are still being improved. However, they are still not completely perfect, because here you can easily come across facts that do not correspond to reality. For example, a restaurant for which a phone number is given and, for example, has not been at the address for over 10 years. If you encounter a similar error, just click on the given point of interest and select below Report a problem. Then you just define what is actually wrong with the point of interest.

Beta programs 

All the above examples are, of course, in the case of sharp versions of the system and applications, so it could be said that they are already in common use among users. Every version of the system, whether it is iOS or macOS, etc., but ordinary users have the opportunity to test it even before the system is officially distributed to the general public. Of course, we are talking about extensive beta testing. If you are interested in signing up for this program and reporting any errors to Apple, we have dedicated a separate article to that which you can read <a href="" data-gt-href-en="">here</a>. 
