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If at any time in the past you connected any accessory to your Mac via the USB connector, you could start using it immediately. So, classically, the connection occurred immediately, without the need for any confirmation. However, in recent years, Apple has been concerned with protecting the privacy and security of its customers, so in the latest macOS Ventura, it came up with a new feature that prevents the immediate connection of accessories via USB. Therefore, if you connect any accessories to the Mac, a prompt will appear that must be confirmed. Only after confirmation will the accessory actually connect, and if you deny access, the connection simply won't happen, even though the accessory will be physically connected.

How to change settings for connecting accessories via USB-C on Mac

By default, the Mac only asks for permission to connect new accessories that haven't been connected to it yet. This means that natively, you only need to confirm the connection of a specific accessory once, and then it will automatically connect. Even though this is a security feature that is meant to protect users, there may be individuals who would like to turn it off. Or, of course, there are exactly the opposite Apple users who might want the Mac to ask them about connecting accessories every time, even after connecting an already known accessory. The good news is that this preference can be easily reset as follows:

  • First, on your Mac, click in the upper left corner icon .
  • Once you do so, select an option from the menu System Settings…
  • This will open a new window in which you can go to the category in the left menu Privacy and security.
  • Then move towards within this category Dolu to the section Security.
  • Here it is enough that you they clicked menu at option Allow accessories to be connected.
  • Ultimately, at your own discretion select the preset you want to use.

It is therefore possible to change the settings for connecting accessories via USB-C on a Mac in macOS Ventura in the above-mentioned way. There are a total of four options to choose from. If you choose always ask so the Mac will ask every time if it should really enable the connected accessory. After being elected Ask to new accessories, which is the default option, the Mac will ask for permission to connect only new accessories. By election Automatically, if unlocked accessories will then be automatically connected if the Mac is unlocked and selected Always then the request for permission to connect the accessory will never be displayed.

usb-c limitation macos 13 ventura