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From time to time, you may find yourself on a web page that automatically starts playing video content, often with sound, as soon as it loads. Let's face it, it's not pleasant, and most of us immediately look for the video itself so that we can pause it, or immediately turn down the sound so that it can't be heard. If you also use a hotspot from an iPhone on a Mac, mobile data is consumed faster, which is not ideal especially for those individuals who have a low data package. However, in Safari on Mac, you can easily set videos on a specific webpage to never play automatically. Find out how in this article.

How to Disable Autoplay Videos in Safari on Mac

If you want to set Safari on your macOS device on a specific page so that videos do not play automatically after the web page is loaded, it is not difficult. The procedure in this case is as follows:

  • First, you need to go to the browser on your Mac Safari.
  • Now in Safari, navigate to specific web page, for which you want to disable automatic video playback.
  • Once you've done that, click on the bold tab on the left side of the top bar Safari.
  • A drop-down menu will open, in which press the option Settings for this website…
  • It will then appear at the top of Safari, near the address bar small window.
  • Here you will find all the settings that are related to a specific website.
  • Pro deactivation of autoplay videos, click the menu next to it Automatic playback.
  • Finally, for complete deactivation, select the option in the menu Do not play anything automatically.
  • After that, just the website update and that's it - videos will no longer play automatically on it.

In addition to automatic playback, you can also set the automatic use of the reader for individual pages, if possible, or you can (de)activate content blockers. There is also an option to enlarge or reduce the page and preferences for displaying pop-up windows. Apart from that, the page can also set access to camera, microphone, screen sharing and location.
