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How to uninstall an application on a Mac is a matter that interests many Mac or MacBook owners. Apple computers are sold with a number of native applications pre-installed, but users also install a number of third-party applications on them during use. How to uninstall an app on Mac?

Uninstalling an application on a Mac can be done in different ways. One option is to delete the application by dragging it from the Finder to the Trash, which we will show in the following steps. But of course there are also other ways.

How to Uninstall an App on Mac

If you're looking for a way to uninstall an app on Mac and don't want to buy any third-party software for that purpose, follow the instructions below:

  • On a Mac, run Finder.
  • V Finder sidebar select a folder Application and then select the application you want to delete in the main Finder window.
  • Now you can either icon of the selected application drag to the Trash in the Dock, or on the bar at the top of the Mac screen, click File -> Move to Trash. You can also select the application and use a keyboard shortcut to delete it Cmd + Delete.

We have described above how you can uninstall an app on Mac. In these cases, however, it may happen that data associated with the given application remains on your disk. A slightly more reliable way is to click in the upper left corner of the Mac screen  menu -> System Settings -> General -> Storage. In the main Finder window, select an item Application, click on and then select the app you want to remove and click on at the bottom Delete. You can also use apps like Grand Perspective or OwlCleaner.
