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Part of practically all apple operating systems is the native application Notes, which is used by almost all users. You can, of course, create various notes and write anything in them within this application, in any case, this is just the beginning and there are countless other possibilities of use. A few weeks ago, Apple introduced the iOS 16 operating system, which comes with many improvements and did not forget the native Notes application, which most users will appreciate. One of the novelties directly affects how we have worked with dynamic components in this application so far.

How to create a dynamic folder on iPhone with new options

In addition to the fact that you can create a classic folder in the Notes app to better organize all your notes, you can also create a special dynamic folder. When creating it, the user sets all kinds of filters, and then all the notes that meet the specified criteria are displayed inside the folder. Until now, all criteria had to be met in order for a note to be displayed in a dynamic folder, but in iOS 16 you can finally choose whether it is enough for any criteria to be met, or all of them. To create a dynamic folder with this option:

  • First, go to the app on your iPhone Comment.
  • Once you've done that, go to the main folder screen.
  • Here then in the lower left corner click on folder icon with +.
  • A small menu will appear where you can choose where to save the dynamic folder.
  • Then, on the next screen, tap on the option Convert to dynamic folder.
  • Then you are select all filters and at the same time choose at the top if the reminders must be displayed meet all filters, or only some are sufficient.
  • Once set, press the button in the top right All done.
  • Then you just have to choose dynamic folder name.
  • Finally, tap on the top right Done to create a dynamic folder.

So, using the above procedure, it is possible to create a dynamic folder in the Notes app on your iPhone with iOS 16, where you can determine whether a note must meet all the criteria to be displayed, or whether only some are enough. As for the individual filters, i.e. the criteria you can choose, there are tags, created date, modified date, shared, mentions, to-do lists, attachments, folders, quick notes, pinned notes, locked notes and more.
