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If you use Apple devices and together with them iCloud Keychain, you absolutely do not need to worry about your passwords. Klíčenka remembers all passwords for you, and when logging in to internet accounts, all you have to do is authorize via Touch ID or Face ID, and the password will then be filled in automatically. In addition, Klíčenka can also automatically generate strong and secure passwords, thanks to which you minimize the risk of a stranger breaking into your account. In addition, it is possible to share individual records in the password manager on the iPhone and, if necessary, work with them further.

How to hide notifications about exposed, repeated or weak passwords on iPhone

But the problem is that even with the existence of Klíčenka, which can simplify life, users simply do not use it. Instead, they still apply passwords that are short, without special characters or numbers, and most often they are repeated all the time. Such users really risk a lot - cracking a password that is short and consists of, for example, only lowercase letters is a matter of a few minutes these days. Apple informs all these users who have a repeated or password, or a password that appeared on the list of leaked passwords, about this fact in the password manager - just open the Security Recommendations section. If you would like to hide this notification so it doesn't bother you anymore, proceed as follows:

  • First, you need to go to the native app on your iPhone Settings.
  • Once you do, get off below, where find and click the section Passwords.
  • Subsequently, using Touch ID or Face ID authorize which will get you inside.
  • Here you are in the list of passwords find the alert record you want to hide and open it.
    • For an easier search for weak or leaked passwords, open above Security recommendations a click the password.
  • You will then be shown a profile of the password, where in the category Security recommendations information about the non-ideal password appears.
  • To hide a notification, tap in its upper right corner the X icon.
  • Finally, you just need to confirm this action in the dialog box by clicking on Hide.

So, using the above procedure, it is possible to easily hide the notifications from the password manager on your iPhone that warn you about a repeating, weak or exposed password. If you hide notifications in this way, you can of course continue to view them afterwards - it will not be completely removed, meaning that the notification will never appear again. If you want show all hidden notifications again, so you just need to be in the section Security recommendations they went down all the way down under all notifications where tap on Hidden security recommendations. This is where the records with hidden notices appear. If you would like to see them all again, click below Reset hidden security recommendations.
