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Recently, we've seen the arrival of a completely redesigned lock screen within the iOS operating system, which offers the possibility of using widgets and more customization in general. Together with the new lock screen, the desktop has also received a certain redesign, that is, the interface, within which we can set the desktop according to our own discretion. Some users initially complained that the new interface was confusing and that it deserved to be "combed", but it was more just a matter of habit.

How to blur desktop wallpaper on iPhone

As for the desktop, i.e. the home screen, in older versions of iOS we could practically only set the wallpaper and that was the end of it. The new desktop management interface now includes, for example, the option for simple pairing with the locked screen, and there is also an easier selection of a new wallpaper or a function to blur the desktop wallpaper, which may be useful for some users. If you would like to find out how you can blur the desktop wallpaper on iPhone, just follow these steps:

  • First, go to the native app on your iPhone Settings.
  • Once you do, get off below, where you click the line Wallpaper.
  • Here subsequently find a pair of wallpapers, for which you want to blur the desktop wallpaper.
  • Then for the desktop wallpaper located on the right side, click on Adapt.
  • Here, in the lower right corner of the screen, press the button Blur.
  • Finally, just confirm the change by pressing Done at the top right.

So, it is possible to easily blur desktop wallpaper on your iPhone in the above way. This can be useful, for example, if you have a wallpaper that makes it very difficult to read application names, or if the wallpaper distracts you in some way. If you would like to refocus the desktop wallpaper, the procedure is exactly the same. You can easily test whether the blurred wallpaper will suit you or not.
