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As you surely know, after deleting photos in iOS or iPadOS, there is no immediate deletion without the possibility of recovery. All deleted photos will appear in the Recently Deleted section, from where photos and videos can be restored within 30 days of deletion. So if you delete a photo or video that you consider important later, just go to Recently Deleted and restore the media from there. But personally, it has happened a few times that I wanted to restore some photos, but instead I completely deleted them from Recently Deleted due to rashness. But it wasn't always important photos, so I didn't deal with it any further.

If you managed to delete the photos in the classic way even from Recently Deleted, there is still a possibility how you can restore them. When one day I deleted an important photo from Recently Deleted, I decided to call Apple support to see if they could help me. And surprisingly, I succeeded in this case. It took a few long minutes, but at the end of the call I was connected to a technician who told me that they are able to manually recover Recently Deleted photos remotely. So I asked to restore photos from Recently Deleted and in a few minutes I actually found the photos in that album. Now you might be thinking that this feature is probably only available when iCloud Photos is active. However, the opposite is true.

I recently ran into a similar situation with a girlfriend's iPhone 11. After several years of using her iPhone, she finally decided to turn on Photos on iCloud so that she would not lose them in the event of a lost or stolen device. However, after activating Photos on iCloud, the Photos app went crazy - all the photos in the gallery were duplicated, and according to the storage chart, a total of about 64 GB of photos fit into the 100 GB iPhone. After several hours, when the photos still did not recover, we decided to delete the duplicates using the appropriate application. After deleting the duplicates (ie every second photo and video), the gallery that appeared in Recently Deleted was completely deleted. Unfortunately, several thousand photos and videos could not be restored in the classic way. It didn't work for me and I still called Apple support to see if they were able to help me even if the photos that had not yet been uploaded to iCloud were deleted.

I was told by the support that they are able to help me in this case as well and restore photos from Recently Deleted. Again, the call lasted a few minutes, but at the end of the call I was connected to a technician who was able to recover the photos from Recently Deleted - again, I note that the iCloud Photos feature was not active. Although in this case not all photos were restored and several hundreds were missing, the result was still better than nothing. So, the next time you find yourself in a similar situation, instead of downloading various paid programs, try calling Apple support. It is quite possible that you will also be successful and you will be able to recover the photos.
