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You probably already know that you can use the Wallet app on your iPhone to store credit and debit cards, but you can also use it to store rewards, loyalty, and membership cards. Like most of us, you've probably accumulated dozens of these cards over the years.

Native Wallet on iPhone is a great way to keep all your loyalty and similar cards together in one place, without having to fill your wallet with them. But what to do if you cannot add the given card to the Wallet? Fortunately, there is a relatively easy and quick solution.

How to add a supported card to Apple Wallet

If you need to add an unsupported card to Apple Wallet, you need to use one of the third-party applications - in our case it will be Stocard. So first install this app.

  • Launch the Stocard app and tap + to add the relevant loyalty card.
  • Scan the barcode on the card or enter it manually.
  • Click on the selected tab.
  • At the top right, click on the icon of three dots in a circle.
  • In the menu that appears, choose Add to Apple Wallet.
  • Click Add to confirm.

In this way, you can easily and quickly add cards that at first glance appear to be unsupported to the native Wallet. In addition, Stocard is a universal application for all possible types of cards, so you will not need a separate official application of the seller for each card.
