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If you've been following Apple news for any length of time, you've probably caught the conflict between Apple and the FBI the year before last. The American investigative agency turned to Apple with a request to unlock the iPhone that belonged to the perpetrator of the terrorist attack in San Bernardino. Apple rejected this request, and based on this, a huge social debate regarding the security of private data, etc. was started. After a few months, it turned out that the FBI got into this phone, even without the help of Apple. Several companies specialize in hacking into iOS devices, and Cellebrite is one of them (originally speculated about the fact that they were the ones who helped the FBI).

A few months have passed and Cellebrite is once again in the news. The company has issued an indirect statement announcing that they are able to unlock any device with the iOS 11 operating system installed. If the Israeli company can really bypass the security of iOS 11, they will be able to get into the vast majority of iPhones and iPads around the world.

The American Forbes reported that these services were used last November by the US Department of the Interior, which had an iPhone X unlocked, due to the investigation of a case related to the arms trade. Forbes reporters tracked down a court order from which it appears that the aforementioned iPhone X was sent to Cellebrite's labs on November 20, only to be returned fifteen days later, along with data extracted from the phone. It is not clear from the documentation how the data was obtained.

Sources confidential to Forbes editors also confirmed that Cellebrite representatives are offering iOS 11 hacking capabilities to security forces around the world. Apple is fighting against such behavior. Operating systems are updated quite often, and potential security holes should be removed with each new version. So it's a question of how effective Cellebrite's tools are, considering the latest versions of iOS. However, it can be expected that just as iOS itself develops, tools for hacking it are also gradually developed. Cellebrite requires its customers to ship their phones locked and tamper-proof if possible. They logically do not mention their techniques to anyone.

Source: Macrumors, Forbes
