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Commercial message: Do you like discounts? Who shouldn't. That's exactly why you will definitely be pleased with the great discount campaign at Alza, which has reduced the prices of thousands of products significantly lower. And that there is something to stand for. For example, the iPhone SE is now available for CZK 2000 cheaper, but Google's Pixel 6 or many headphones, notebooks and so on are also cheaper.

iPhone SE 2 back detail

Without any exaggeration, absolutely everyone can choose from the current discounts on Alza. They touched both household appliances and the aforementioned computers, audio products, smartphones, but also game consoles and many other things. However, as is usually the case with discount events, they are limited in number, and what's more - the discounts will cease to apply on Sunday 1 May. So definitely do not delay your purchases, because you will not have such a good opportunity to purchase your dream pieces for a long time - especially at a verified Czech seller.

You can find the complete offer of discounted products here
