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In the last day, some interesting information appeared not only about iOS 14, but also upcoming iPhones. Fast Company reported that at least one of the iPhone 12 will have a 3D camera on the back. This is already the second speculation on this topic. The 3D camera was first reported in January in the respected Bloomberg magazine.

According to the description given to the server by their source, this is a classic depth-of-field sensor found on quite a lot of Android phones. A similar sensor is also on the front of iPhone X and later. It works by having the sensor send out a laser beam that bounces off objects and then returns back to the sensor on the device. The time it takes for the beam to return will reveal the distance of the objects from the device and, among other things, their position.

The data from this sensor can be used, for example, for better portrait photos, because the phone can better recognize what is behind the person and should be properly blurred. It also applies to augmented reality, which Apple is pushing quite a lot forward. Of course, we still have to reckon with how much the coronavirus will affect the release of news in 2020. Apple is still silent and has not released information about the WWDC developer conference or the March Apple Keynote. In both cases, however, it is not expected that the events will take place. The unveiling of the iPhone 12 series is traditionally planned for September, and by then, the pandemic will hopefully be under control.
