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To find out information about your health and physical activity, the native application Kondice (formerly Aktivita) is used as standard on the iPhone. But if you would like to try something new, you can try the Healthview application, which we will cover in our article today.


After launching the Healthview app, you can first preview its basic features. You will then be presented with a menu of data from which you can select the one you want to display. On the main screen of the application you will find an overview of the selected data, on the bar at the top of the display you can switch to a weekly, monthly or annual overview. In the upper right corner there is a button to go to display customization, in the upper left there is a button to go to settings.


After your approval, the Healthview application connects to the native Health on your iPhone and shows you data related to your health and physical activity in clear graphs or perhaps on widgets on the desktop of iPhones with iOS 14. Within the Healthview application, you can display a really rich range of data, starting with calories burned or the number of steps, through calories taken or data from external devices to minutes of mindufulness. The application can be downloaded in its basic version completely free of charge, for premium functions (widgets, export to CSV, unlimited number of data and others) you pay 29 crowns per month or 249 crowns once.
