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Every day, in this column, we will bring you a more detailed look at a selected application that has just caught our attention. Here you will find applications for productivity, creativity, utilities, but also games. It won't always be the hottest news, our goal is primarily to highlight apps that we think are worth paying attention to. Today we're going to look at an RSS reader called Fiery Feeds.

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We have already introduced several RSS readers in this series. However, the App Store offers them in abundance, so today we will take another one of them for a spin. Called Fiery Feeds, it offers extensive customization options, reliability, ease of use, and compatibility with most read-later applications.

You can either manually add feeds to Fiery Feeds yourself, or simply link the relevant services you use to the application. Fiery Feeds is compatible with a number of common services of this type, from Feedly to Feed Wrangler to NewsBlur, but it also supports services such as Instapaper and Pocket.

In Fiery Feeds, you can set whether it wants to view all articles from all feeds in one feed, or whether you want to view feeds one at a time. Of course, there are options for sharing, saving to favorites, or customizing display options. Fiery Feeds also offers the ability to change the appearance, including several types of dark mode.

Fiery Feeds is one of those applications that are more or less sufficient in their basic, free form, but which are also worth paying extra for. The premium version for 79 crowns per quarter offers wider options for customizing the text and the news channel, extracting the text itself for undisturbed reading (similar to the reader mode in Safari in iOS), wider options for saving articles and much more.

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