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The App Store is full of applications for creating and editing text of various kinds. In today's installment of our series on iOS apps, we're going to focus on Drafts, an app that helps you create and format text for virtually any occasion.


The interface of Drafts is pleasingly simple and minimalistic. Immediately after its first launch, Draft briefly introduces you to its basic functions and presents the option of a paid premium version (49 crowns per month - we will introduce the premium functions at the end of this article). At the bottom of the display, on the main screen of the application, you will find buttons for focus mode, text arrangement mode, link insertion, search, font editing and settings. In the upper part, there are buttons for creating a new document, adding a new element, adding a label and actions such as copying, sharing and publishing on various social networks and applications.


The Drafts application is used to prepare texts for documents, for social networks, a blog, but also for websites. It offers the possibility of immediate basic and advanced editing corresponding to the purpose for which you want to use the given text. The application offers support for dark mode, Siri and voice dictation, so working with it is really convenient. It is a multi-platform application with versions for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Mac and with the possibility of synchronization.


Drafts is a useful application in which you can safely and efficiently edit text for various purposes and occasions. Working in Drafts is really fast, and you will find exactly the tools you need for the given purposes. Drafts is one of the applications where you can get by with the free version for basic work, but where it is also worth activating a subscription. This is not terribly high (49 crowns per month), and within it you get the possibility of automatic instant synchronization across devices, the possibility of creating additional actions, filters, using themes and icons, widgets, improved automation and much more.
