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The look of iOS 7 is starting to take on a dull outline. Several sources directly from Apple have hinted at several details from various applications, but they all agree on one thing: the mobile operating system will be more black, white and flat starting this summer.

These changes come months after Apple made major design changes. After the infamous departure of Scott Forstall, the former VP of iOS, the structure at the top of the company changed significantly. Apple's senior executives no longer divide the field of activity according to individual systems, so Forstall's powers were divided among several of his colleagues. Jony Ive, who until then had only been designing hardware, became the vice president of industrial design, so he is also in charge of the appearance of the software.

Apparently, Ive has not really been idle in his new position. Several sources say that he immediately made several big changes. The upcoming iOS 7 will thus be "black, white and all flat". This means, in particular, a departure from so-called skeuomorphism or the heavy use of textures.

And the textures should be what bothered Ivo the most on iOS so far. According to some Apple employees, Ive openly indulged in textures and skeuomorphic design even at various company meetings. According to him, design with physical metaphors will not stand the test of time.

Another problem, he says, is that different apps use vastly different designs, which can easily confuse users. Just look at the yellow Notes that resemble a block, the blue and white Mail app or the green casino called Game Center. At the same time, Ive finds support in his claims from, among others, Greg Christie, head of the "human interface" department.

As we already are informed, a number of default applications will see major changes. The redesign of the Mail and Calendar apps was the most talked about. Today we already know that both of these apps, and probably all others with them, will get a flat, black-and-white design with no distinctive textures. Each application will then have its own color scheme. The messages will probably be filled in, and the Calendar will be in red - similar to how it is concept a British blogger.

At the same time, the rate of change will vary for individual applications. While Mail probably won't see a big change, apps like the App Store, Newsstand, Safari, Camera or Game Center should be unrecognizable in iOS 7. For example, Weather should undergo a major redesign, as it has recently fallen far behind competitors such as Solar or Yahoo! Weather. It is the latter application that the new Weather could resemble - see koncept a Dutch designer.

Unnecessary textures will also disappear from several apps as expected. The Game Center will lose its green felt, the Kiosk or iBooks will lose its library shelves. The wood should be replaced with a texture reminiscent of the dock known from the OS X Mountain Lion computer system.

In iOS 7, several new and old features will also be added. A standalone app for FaceTime should return; video calling moved to the Phone app on the iPhone some time ago, confusing many unsuspecting users. Apart from that he speculates about supporting the photo network Flickr or the video service Vimeo.

The new operating system for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch will be presented in just a few days, on June 10 at the WWDC developer conference. We will inform you about the presented news already during the conference.

Source: 9to5mac, Mac Rumors