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Apple introduced a bunch of great new features in iOS 15 that are definitely worth checking out. One of them also includes the Live Text function, i.e. Live Text. This function can recognize the text on any photo and image, with the fact that you can work with it as with ordinary text. That means you can mark it up, copy and paste it, search it, and more. Officially, Live Text is not supported in Czech, but we can still use it, just without diacritics. Despite the lack of support for the Czech language, this is a great function that most of us use on a daily basis. And in iOS 16, it received several improvements.

iOS 16: How to translate in Live Text

We have already mentioned in our magazine that the new Live Text can also be used in videos, which is definitely a major innovation. In addition, however, Living Text also learned to translate. This means that if you have some text in a foreign language in the Live Text interface, the iPhone can translate it for you right away. At the outset, however, it is necessary to mention that the native translation in iOS does not support Czech. But if you know English, then there is nothing to worry about - it is possible to translate all the world's major languages ​​into it. The procedure varies in different situations, in Photos it is as follows:

  • First, it is necessary that you found a picture or video, in which you want to translate the text.
  • Once you've done that, tap on the bottom right Live Text icon.
  • You will then find yourself in the interface of the function, where you click on the bottom left Translate.
  • This is the text for you will automatically translate and the translation control panel will appear below.

Using the above procedure, it is therefore possible to easily translate text on your iPhone within iOS 16 via Live Text. As I mentioned above, the procedure differs in different applications. If you are, for example, in Safari, in a video or anywhere else, then for translation it is necessary to mark the text from the image in the classic way with your finger. Subsequently, in the small menu that appears above the text, find the Translate option and click on it. This will automatically translate the text, with the fact that you can again change the translation settings below in the control panel.
