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News about the iOS 12 operating system appears with tremendous frequency, and we try to select the best ones for you. During yesterday it was revealed that the iOS 12 operating system will enable the thing that a huge number of iPhone X owners have been clamoring for, namely the setting of a secondary face for authorization purposes.

In the Face ID settings in iOS 12, there is a new option to add an alternative appearance. This can be interpreted in many ways. Apple is thus probably reacting to situations where the user often works with a larger head covering (or often significantly changes his visage) and the classic face scan does not accept Face ID. Skiers with big glasses, doctors with masks, etc., had similar problems. The new setting can therefore be helpful in this regard. Of course, the vast majority of users who will use this feature will set it to the other face of someone they want to allow convenient access to their device.

iOS 12 Face ID

Another published innovation is the ability to search for songs in Apple Music using short snippets of text. If you type a few words from a verse into the search engine in Apple Music, it should search the library and find the relevant song. Logically, this feature doesn't work for all songs in Apple Music, but it does for many, so you can try it yourself (if you have the beta installed). The profiles of the individual performers also received slight changes.
