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Despite the fact that Apple has not yet presented any official product associated with virtual or augmented reality, so acquisition interesting and important companies in the field of VR, hiring a leading specialist a a "secret" team of hundreds of experts means that it is probably only a matter of time before Apple also enters these waters.

Also, the head of the Californian company, Tim Cook, after remaining silent until now, recently confirmed that virtual reality really is is "an interesting area with interesting possibilities of use". In addition, the director of one of the laboratories at Stanford University, where Apple is said to be researching virtual reality, has now come forward with interesting information.

“In thirteen years, Apple never came to my lab. Now his employees have arrived three times in the last three months," he revealed during the technology conference for The Wall Street Journal Jeremy Bailenson, who heads the lab at Stanford, dealing with virtual human interaction.

"They come to the lab, but they don't say a word," he said, adding that he could not say more about Apple's involvement in VR. On the attached video, however, you can listen to a short recording of his interview, where he describes which companies are currently most involved in virtual reality and what they are planning.

For example, the head of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg has already visited Bailenson's laboratory, shortly before he bought Oculus, which is heavily involved in VR. That's why Apple's presence in Stanford's labs may not be just any other.

Source: WSJ