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In the United States in recent years, the trend of sending everything possible by mail and leaving the delivered goods at the front door has been growing. In the past, mainly small items were delivered this way, but in recent years, customers have also chosen this type of delivery for more expensive and larger shipments, which sometimes turns out to be fatal for them.

Thefts of items delivered in this way have been on the rise recently, and popular YouTuber Mark Rober, who also happens to be a technology engineer at Apple, has also become one of the targets of similar vandalism. After losing his package several times, he decided to take revenge on the thieves. He did it his way and it must be said effectively. In the end, the entire project turned out to be an over-engineered, very well-thought-out and well-executed trap that thieves will not easily forget.

Rober has come up with an ingenious device that looks like Apple's HomePod speaker from the outside. But in reality, it's a combination of a spiral centrifuge, four phones, sequins, stinky spray, a custom-made chassis and a special motherboard that forms the brains of its device. It cost him more than half a year of effort.

In practice, this works in such a way that in the beginning he watches in his place in front of the door of the house. However, as soon as a theft occurs, the integrated accelerometers and GPS sensors in Robera phones notify that the device has been set in motion. It is tracked in real time thanks to the presence of a GPS module in installed phones.

HomePod Glitter Bomb Trap

As soon as the thief decides to take a closer look at his loot, the real drama begins. Pressure sensors are placed in the walls of the inner box, which detect when the box is opened. Shortly after that, the centrifuge located on top will throw a huge amount of sequins into its surroundings, which will make a real mess. And to make matters worse, a few seconds later, a stinky spray will be released, which will reliably fill an ordinary room with a very unpleasant smell.

The best part of it all is that Mark Rober has implemented four phones in his "box of justice" that record the whole process and save the current recordings to the cloud, so that it is practically impossible to lose them even if the entire decoy is destroyed. So we can enjoy the reactions of the thieves when they find out what they actually stole. On his YouTube channel, Rober released both an overall summary of the entire project (including several recordings of the thefts) and also relatively detailed video about how the whole project was created and what the development entailed. We can only smile at this effort (and the result).
