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The last weekend was marked by a single series hit - Netflix released the expected third season of the popular House of Cards on Friday, and it was a big moment not only for fans of the main character Frank Underwood, but also for the development studio ustwo.

In the fifth episode of the third season, American President Frank Underwood relaxes by playing on his iPad Monument Valley, and what's more, he later specifically mentions this mobile gaming hit of recent months.

The House of Cards series thus made Monument Valley a perfect advertisement, which had a significant impact on the download numbers in the App Store and other stores, where the original game with amazing processing and optical illusions is offered. The influence of a mention in the world's popular series on the numbers in the App Store disassembled blog appFigures.

[youtube id=”D-rMd2eR04o” width=”620″ height=”360″]

The policy of the streaming service Netflix is ​​to release the entire series of a given series in a single day, so the most diligent had time to watch the third season of House of Cards during the weekend. Others then completed it in the first days of the new week. Therefore, it is relevant to monitor the data right from the first day, which is also proven by the following data.

The effect in the App Store and other stores was immediate. Almost exactly after five hours (when those who could stand to watch the new series continuously finished the fifth episode), Monument Valley began to move up the list of the best paid games. In the App Store, we can observe a more significant increase than, for example, in Google Play for Androids. The game also recorded a similarly steep rise in the ranking of the best of all paid applications.

Proof that advertising in the popular series really works is also the last graph showing the upward movement of Monument Valley in the App Store in the ranking of the best-grossing apps (Top Grossing Apps).

Moreover, the successful week was far from over for Monument Valley with this notch. In the 11th grade International Mobile Gaming Awards favorite game from ustwo won the "Grand Prix" award for the best mobile game of 2014.

Even this award only confirms the success of Monument Valley, which grossed nearly six million dollars, was. After the release of the original version, which cost 4 euros, an extension came in the fall Forgotten Shores. This added eight more levels of fun for an additional two euros.

The data in the article belongs to the US versions of the respective stores.

Source: appFigures, AppleWorld.Today